The hyperfine structures of two optical lines in UI were investigated using high resolution laser spectroscopy of a well-collimated atomic beam. The hyperfine splitting constants A and B for the ground 5 L 0 6 level of 233 U and for the 7 M 7 (16900 cm -1 ) and 7 L 6 (17362...
The effect of buffer gases on the shift of line widths and frequencies in hyperfine transitions of the ground state of alkali atoms.L'influence des gaz tam... In frequency standards based on the field independent hyperfine transition in the ground state of alkali vapor metals in a gas cell,...
Sandal Bere - Hyperfine Sails 专辑: Heckler Lover 歌手:Sandal Bere 还没有歌词哦Sandal Bere - Hyperfine Sails / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Hyperfine Sails Sandal Bere 02:40Mac版酷狗音乐已更新 就是歌多 详情 下载 × 提示 建议您使用客户端播放,获得更好的用户体验。 打开客户端下载...
Hyperfine_momo2017-1-30 08:21 来自微博 第一次试单色相机,各四十分钟的L通道。200牛反,asi1600mm,bin2x2出图。 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 4 3 ñ5 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......