In my case, when I went through a 12 week LGD 4033 cycle, I gained about 15 lbs of muscle and my strength improved significantly. During the use of the LGD 4033, my strength has barely diminished, even during prolonged workouts, which allows me to perform repetitively my heavy training. ...
Testol 140 is one of the most versatile steroids in today’s market. The product is known to stimulate the incredible androgenic effects of Trenbolone. It helps to induce immense muscle gains, and boost physical power and strength during workouts. Testol 140 is also effective at stimulating phy...
5. SARMs bridge stack:LGD is popularlyused in a bridgewithS4 to help mantain gains and strength in between steroid cycles. Run 3-5mg per day of LGD,and a moderate dose of S4 along with HCGenerate ES. LGD should not be used during post cycle therapy (PCT). ...