PHD thesis, University of Glasgow. Congregation for Catholic Education (2018) Male and Female He Created Them. Towards a path of dialogue on the question of gender theory in education. Vatican. 2019. Conroy, J. C. (2001). A Very Scottish Affair: Catholic education and the State. Oxford ...
Master’sthesis,UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles. Hom,A.Y.(1994).Storiesfromthehomefront:PerspectivesofAsian-Americanparentswith lesbiandaughtersandgaysons.AmerasiaJournal(20),19-32. Kanuha,V.(1990).Compoundingthetriplejeopardy:Batteringinlesbianofcolorrelationships. ...
research, education, policy, funding and programming, yet questions arise as to the socio-political approach that will ultimately be taken. This focus on the health of LGBT+ Canadians follows decades of grassroots and sometimes state-funded research on this very issue. This study undertook a ...