Celebration Ideas for Students, Educators, GSAs, Schools and Colleges Create an LGBT History Month exhibit.Print out the PDF Icon bios, images and other resources to create an exhibit in the library, cafeteria, or other location. Visit theresourcespage to access each Icon's materials. Visit our...
7. Communications to pupils. Please list types of communications used eg online school systems, posters in hallways and classrooms, assemblies etc and provide copies of the posters, displays, leaflets, emails and any other forms of communication. ...
As of 2010, North American medical schools only provided 5 hours of instruction on LGBT-related topics over four years. We aimed to 1) create and implement LGBT-related content for first-year medical students and 2) evaluate changes in students' knowledge and a...
Books, magazines, posters, hotline numbers, handouts and brochures specific or inclusive of LGBTQ should be available. These should be visible and accessible (perhaps in a private manner.) (G) Connect with LGBTQ and/or allies to assist with family navigation, and/or with health promotion and...
For example, put up posters of same-sex parents, non-binary individuals, and LGBT+ role models. 6 Encourage your network to be kind and respectful to LGBT+ people. Be open with your friends, colleagues, and relatives about your acceptance of the LGBT+ community. Speak about how everyone ...
7. Communications to pupils. Please list types of communications used eg online school systems, posters in hallways and classrooms, assemblies etc and provide copies of the posters, displays, leaflets, emails and any other forms of communication. ...