Control the soundbar with LG TV remote controller and generate high quality sound by LG TV's sound engine. Where to Buy Add to Compare 0 wish SNS Share LG Soundbar SE6S for TV with Dolby Atmos SE6S Copy Model Name 5.0 (1) LG Smart Up-Mixer for More Immersive Sound Dolby ...
*具體的認證可能因 soundbar 型號而有所差異。 **螢幕影像模擬。 ***再生塑膠的使用和認證可能因型號而有所差異。 圖庫 圖庫 zoom inzoom out 上一頁 下一頁 列印 所有規格 配件 HDMI Cable Yes Remote Control Yes 壁掛支架 Yes 保固卡 Yes 音頻格式 ...
Now, convenience is in your hand. Control your soundbar through LG TV with one remote. With one click of the remote, you can see the soundbar’s menu and settings on the TV screen. Such as volume control, checking the connection status, and even selecting a sound mode. ...
One remote. Simple control With the LG TV Remote, convenience is turned up a notch. Switch your Sound Bar on, control volume and sound modes*with the same remote you use for your LG TV**. *Sound Bar Mode Control may vary by Sound Bar models. LG TV Remote usage is limited to certain...
*具體的認證可能因 soundbar 型號而有所差異。 **螢幕影像模擬。 ***再生塑膠的使用和認證可能因型號而有所差異。 圖庫 1/15 列印 所有規格 配件 HDMI Cable Yes Remote Control Yes 壁掛支架 Yes 保固卡 Yes 音頻格式 AAC Yes Dolby Atmos Yes
Control soundbar from your LG TV interface Control your soundbar through LG TV with one remote. With a click of the remote, you can see the soundbar’s menu and settings on the TV screen. Such as volume control, checking the connection status, and selecting a sound mode. ...
Test the Remote: Once the soundbar is connected, try using your LG TV remote to control it. You should be able to adjust the volume, mute/unmute, and power on/off the soundbar using the TV remote. If the above steps don't help, private message us on social media @LGUSSupport with...
Now, convenience is in your hand. Control your soundbar and your LG TV with one remote¹. Adjust the volume and audio settings, check the connection status and even select a sound mode on the screen. It’s not magic, it’s the LG Remote. ...
RELATED INFO:✨ Ipad pro controller: connects to your ipad pro with the included remote control. you can easily control your ipad, tablet, or any other device you need. New AKB75595301 remote control for LG SoundBar Sound Bar System SK10 SK10Y SK6 SK6Y SK8 SK8Y SK9 SK9Y .Model:...
Explore some of the many features that make LG soundbars must-have audio devices: Bluetooth Streaming: This unique feature allows you to connect your soundbar to a range of portable devices, such as MP3 players and laptops, and enjoy music and other digital content in full, rich sound. ...