CNET Review: LG V30 sports a gorgeous OLED screen with a camera to match The V30 is a bit of a departure from the V20 and V10, with it more closely matching the LG G6. It no longer has a removable battery that enterprise customers have come to appreciate on the V series, but does...
Digital Trends 机翻字幕来自于谷歌字幕或剪影字幕中文配音来自于飞书妙记语音识别后由ai(openai、claude、Gemimi)翻译,再由微软tts配音如果对配音或翻译不满意可以喷up因为我也没办法,但请文明不要说脏话哦(说脏话我会选择擦除) 搬运视频来自于Youtube 科技 数码 LG OLED ...
【中配】WWDC主题演讲,苹果未言的AI秘密【 CNET】 06:58 【搬运】iPadOS 18 Beta 1实测:M2 iPad Air上的漏洞、电池寿命与问题【Andrew Clare】 05:01 【中配】iPadOS 18 Beta 1实测:M2 iPad Air上的漏洞、电池寿命与问题【Andrew Clare】 03:58 ...
Single Review, online available, Long, Date: 09/14/2020 Comment SD 765G: 具有8个CPU Kryo 475内核的快速中端ARM SoC(一个主频为2.4 GHz的高速ARM Cortex-A76主核,一个主频为2.2 GHz的A76中核和六个主频为1.8 GHz的ARM Cortex-A55小核)。作为首批SoC之一,它还集成了5G调制解调器(Snapdragon X52下行和...
基于Comet Lake的低功耗四核处理器(在技术上与Whiskey Lake相同,但仍采用14nm ++工艺生产)。拥有超线程(8个线程),CPU频率在1.8和4.9 GHz之间(全核最大为4.3 GHz)。集成内存控制器支持DDR4-2666,通过cTDP,性能可以由OEM调整(可能为10-25瓦,默认为15W)。
I wanted to confirm my impressions of LG's G5 OLED after naming it the Best TV at CES 2025 (as did my CNET and PCMag colleagues). But I also wanted to see how the TV stacks up to competing models from Samsung and Sony, which were also present at the ...
In addition to being selected as the best HDTV at CES by CNET, the LG 55EM9600 OLED HDTV was chosen by CNET’s unbiased, expert editors as the most exciting, innovative, and promising new product at the show. “CNET editors from around the globe have spent a grueling and inspirin...
根据外媒cnet的报道,LG向其确认2019年的OLED和高端的LCD电视将全面支持HDMI 2.1接口,这也是第一家做此重要宣布的厂家。另外,LG的老对手三星也向cnet确认它们2019年的电视也会支持HDMI 2.1,但是没有透露更多细节。 昨天,LG宣布会在CES2019上展出8K OLED电视Z9以及NanoCell系列液晶电视。为了满足8K超高带宽需求,LG...
For thelastfouryears,LG'sTVs with OLED panels -- that's organic light emitting diode screens -- have taken top honors for picture quality in CNET's reviews. Every year they beat the best LCD-based TVs, and every year I call the newest LG OLED the best TV I've ever tested. ...