ダイナミックコントラスト比50000:1/応答速度2msのフルHD表示対応27型液晶ディスプレイ。価格はオープン。LGエレクトロニクス FLATRON Wide LCD W2453V-PF [24インチ]全国各地のお店の価格情報がリアルタイムにわかるのは価格.comならでは。製品レビューやクチコミもありま
Discover LG W2242T-BF. Click for pictures, reviews, and tech specs for the LG 22" Widescreen Monitor with FLATRON F-Engine.
18.5" Wide Screen LCD Monitor Specs Reviews Support DiscontinuedW1943S-PF Copy model name 18.5" Wide Screen LCD Monitor 0 (0) Write a review Key Features FLATRON f Engine Photo Effect 5ms response time More Print Close All Spec COMMON SPEC Product Type LCD Monitor GENERAL ...
22" Widescreen Monitor with FLATRON F-Engine 4.0 out of 5 stars, average rating value. Read 2 Reviews. Same page link. 4.0 (2) Write a review Key Features DFC (Digital Fine Contrast ratio) 8000:1 FLATRON f Engine 4:3 in Wide (ARC-Aspect Ratio Control) Print...
23" Wide Screen Monitor No rating value Same page link. (0) Write a review Key Features Full HD 1080p Resolution 30,000:1 Contrast Ratio FLATRON f Engine More Print Close All Spec FEATURES Screen Size 23" Wide Screen Yes Brightness 300 cd/m² Contrast Ratio 30000:...
LG’s FlatronWide L206W 20-inch widescreen monitor will be the first display to offer a USB connection, with technology fromDisplayLink, a California company. Using DisplayLink’s DL-160 chip, the monitor receives a stream of information from a virtual graphics card running on the host computer...
Descubra a LG W1941S. Clique para ver imagens, análises e especificações técnicas da LG Monitor de LCD com tela widescreen de 18,5".
Discover LG W2252TQ-PF. Click for pictures, reviews, and tech specs for the LG 22" FLATRON F Engine.