Read more: What Does Washer Dryer Hookup Mean Resetting Your LG Dishwasher Resetting your LG dishwasher is another troubleshooting step that can sometimes help in resolving error codes, including the AE error code. The process of resetting your dishwasher can vary slightly depending on the model, ...
If your LG Dishwasher displays "AE" on the control panel, this is an error code related to a leak within the dishwasher that activates the float switch. We recommend following our guide at for potential...
Need to take care with the detergent - only uses HE (High Efficiency) detergent (I did not know it was a thing) and a standard brand OMO powder sets of the PE and FE sensors which stops the load. Need to turn off and back on for it to restart. Better to use liquid - which ...