Discover LG BP430. Click for pictures, reviews, and tech specs for the LG Smart 3D Blu-ray Player.
Note Due to licensing constraints, the Cyberlink Media Suite software that comes with LG Optical Disc drives is not available for replacement. Try This Which of the following are you looking to download?FirmwareDriversSoftware WE'RE HERE TO HELP ...
Blu-ray writer gives you a remarkable backup capacity to record and playback superior quality video Double-layer media supported; means that you'll burn 2 different layers on the disc thus greatly increasing (literally doubling) the storage capability ...
Blu-ray Disc升级4X记录——LG GBW-H10N BD记录机测试 Disc Blu-ray LG测试光存储设备DVD HD蓝光时代已经来临,蓝光光存储设备(包括Bluray Disc和HD DVD两种规格)已经不是什么神秘的东西了.直到现在我们还没有看到有厂商正式发布HD DVD的内置记录机和碟片.撒哈拉不详VIP微型计算机...
LG BD370 Blu-ray Disc Player 用户手册说明书
LG 电子在 Blu-ray Disc™ 标准开发方面做出了重大贡献,现有的其他授权商包括讯连科技 (Cyberlink)、惠普 (Hewlett-Packard)、日立 (Hitachi)、JVC Kenwood、松下 (Panasonic)、飞利浦 (Philips) 和索尼 (Sony)。 One-Blue 首席执行官 Roel Kramer 表示:“我们很高兴地宣布 LG 电子成为了我们授权计划的一名...
LG Discontinues All UHD/Blu-Ray Disc Players Saw reports of this on Dec 11, 2024. (IIRC no new players since 2018.) FYI: as of Dec 11, 2024, LG has revised their web pages with major layout changes. Their pages now require javascript to see "Manuals & Software" listing for ...
LG BD300 Blu-ray Disc Player 用户手册说明书 Network Blu-ray Disc Player Owner’s Manual Model: BD300 Before connecting, operating or adjusting this product, please read this instruction booklet carefully and completely.
I'm running Widows XP 64 bit. Any blu-ray disc is listed as an empty "CD-ROM" drive or "DVD-RAM" drive. Could it be a problem that my SATA is running in IDE mode? I'd prefer if I don't have to reinstall windows to put it in SATA mode...! Thanks for any helpRetired...
Network 3D Blu-ray Disc™/DVD Player BP325 Customer Support You can update the Player using the latest software to enhance the products operation and/or add new features. To obtain the latest software for this player (if updates have been made), proceed the software updates as above or ...