Fridge & freezer are beautiful,but a year into owning it the ice dispenser and water dispenser have needed to be replaced repairman said it's a common fault the motor wasn't built strong enough How long have you owned this product? About a year What is your primary reason for choosing...
Yes, it is the worst appliance ever! The month after my warranty ran out it quit spinning, has had the control panel replaced three times and has been taken apart and put together several times as the dollar signs flash before my eyes. I was only able to find one repairman who would e...
Had the repairman come out and he said nothing wrong with it. Nonsense...there is definitely something wrong with it. I have had an lg front loader for over 15 years and that one is great. This one is terrible and lg support is worse!!! Helpful? Yes · 0 No · 0 Report Ruth...
The repairman told me that the new part was over 300 dollars and close inspection showed a burned out bimetallic switch on a heater element. After the repair it was working as it should.After 28 months of use we noticed the plastic elements of the baskets and top tray cracking or breaking...
The repairman just came and said Lowes employees installed dryer wrong but please tell me that you don’t have to drain it. 1 answer Answer this Question Ivanf · 4 years ago OIf the LG 4.2 cu.ft. Compact Electric Condensing Front Load Dryer, Model # DLEC888W is not connected ...