於LG 選購 34WK95U. 點擊查看圖片、評論和技術規格,以瞭解 34 吋 21:9 UltraWide™ WUHD Nano IPS 顯示器.
34WK95U-W $1,499.99 Notify Me 34WK95U-W 34" Class 21:9 UltraWide® 5K2K Nano IPS LED Monitor with HDR 600 (34" Diagonal) $1,499.99 Members earn 2,250 points Out of Stock Need help choosing the right product? LG Product Experts are available to help you find the product and offe...
在今年1月召开的CES大展上,LG推出了全新的UltraWide 5K显示器(型号34WK95U)。该显示器近期以1499美元的价格登陆美国市场,这价格要比大部分苹果笔记本和新款Mac Mini更贵。该显示器提供了34英寸UltraWide 21:9 Nano IPS显示屏幕,60Hz的刷新率最高分辨率为为5120*2160,支持HDR和Thunderbolt 3端口链接。 在外观设计上...
34WK95U是34英寸5K分辨率,采用21:9带鱼屏比例。规格方面,34WK95U拥有5K分辨率,是LG第一款5K(5120x2160)分辨率21:9超宽屏,拥有HDR 600认证以及Thunderbolt 3输入。展开 选购指南 提及当前商品LG 34wk95u开箱 追加修改(2019-12-20 11:14:15):补充一个小问题:日常使用用自带dp线连接主机偶尔会出现黑屏再亮的情况...
34WK95U是34英寸5K分辨率,采用21:9带鱼屏比例。规格方面,34WK95U拥有5K分辨率,是LG第一款5K(5120x2160)分辨率21:9超宽屏,拥有HDR 600认证以及Thunderbolt 3输入。查看更多 选购指南 更多精彩文章 最棒8 款小屏电竞显示器 最棒8 款小屏电竞显示器!1. 蚂蚁电竞 ANT253PQ——2K 300Hz 的「电竞战神」参数...
仍是显示器市场主流,但在追求更高分辨率的道路上从来没有停歇,今年CES 2018展会上各家将推出5K方案新品,LG就展示了旗下首款34英寸5K屏——UltraWide 34WK95U,定位高端,基于LG Nano IPS面板,符合HDR600认证,还支持Thunderbolt 3,官方表示该屏主要针对设计专业用户,尤其是多屏方案需求的用户。目前官方尚未透露具体售...
32UL950: 31.5" UltraFine Display Thunderbolt™3 monitor with 4K daisy chain Learn More > 34WK95U: 34" 21:9 UltraWide™ WUHD(5120x2160) 5K2K Thunderbolt™3 monitor Learn More > Go to page top *Prices, promotions and availability may vary by store and online. Prices subject to cha...
there is a fix for 5K display (ultrafine in this case), may be it will fix also the retina resolution. I've this monitor and an MBP 16", want to swap to an MBP M1 but sure that it can drive the monitor at the same resolution of my current MBP What resolution are you...
LG 27" FHD IPS 3-Side Borderless Monitor with Anti-Glare & AMD FreeSync™ (1920 x 1080) - 27MP40W-B 11404.4 out of 5 Stars. 1140 reviews Save with Pickuptoday Deliverytoday Shipping, arrivesin 3+ day...