又比如LG 32GR93U,从4499降低到3499,直接从割韭菜产品变成32寸4K显示器中的性价比款。也有一些原本值得买的,现在不值了,比如各种2999元的NnaoIPS显示器,以前比LG 27GP95R便宜500-600元,现在27GP95R的马甲27GP95U直接2999元了,那就没有任何理由再推荐其他品牌的2999元NanoIPS。 本文提及的绝大部分机器我都...
wake issues, etc.. that tons of people were having were the gn950 and gp950..and it did. Zero issues so far, everything works as it should. No dead pixels or any panel issues (looking at you gigabyte).. Overall great monitor and a worthy upgrade over the previous 4k 160hz LG m...