cd /root/upload ; rm -fr /root/upload/* git clone git@ mv /root/upload/xiaoban-server/* /root/upload/ ; rm -fr /root/upload/xiaoban-server tar zcvf code.tar.gz ./* >/dev/null lftp << EOF open ftp://xiaoban:xiaoban@2018@ftp...
given to remote users when they# go into a certain directory.dirmessage_enable=YES## Activate logging of uploads/downloads.xferlog_enable=YES## Make sure PORT transfer connections originate from port 20 (ftp-data).connect_from_port_20=YES## If you want, you can arrange for uploaded anonymou...
anon_world_readable_only=NO## Uncomment this if you want the anonymous FTP user to be able to create# new directories.anon_mkdir_write_enable=YES## Activate directory messages - messages given to remote users when they# go into a certain directory.dirmessage_enable=YES## Activate logging of...
> mirror -c Directory >pget -c linoxide.tar > put -c upload.tar 使用镜像命令 我们可以用mirror命令来下载所指定的整个目录。 > mirror remote local 还可以做反向镜像(mirror -R),可以用来上传或更新本地目录树到服务器上。 > mirror -R local remote 要恢复之前下载了一部分的文件/目录,我们可以用-...
To upload files the links refer to, use `mirror -RL' command (treat symbolic links as files). For option --newer-than you can either specify a file or time specification like that used by at(1) command, e.g. `now-7days' or `week ago'. If you specify a file, then modi- ...
[root@server vusers_dir]# cd -/etc/vsftpd[root@server vsftpd]# vim vsftpd.confanonymous_enable=YESanon_umask=022anon_upload_enable=YESanon_mkdir_write_enable=YESanon_other_write_enable=YESlocal_enable=YESwrite_enable=YESlocal_umask=022guest_enable=YESguest_username=virtualallow_writeable_chroot=...
> mirror -c Directory >pget -c linoxide.tar > put -c upload.tar 使用镜像命令 我们可以用mirror命令来下载所指定的整个目录。 > mirror remote local 还可以做反向镜像(mirror -R),可以用来上传或更新本地目录树到服务器上。 > mirror -R local remote ...
To upload files the links refer to, use `mirror -RL' command (treat symbolic links as files). For option --newer-than you can either specify a file or time specification like that used by at(1) command, e.g. `now-7days' or `week ago'. If you specify a file, then modi- ...
ftp> cd upload 250 Directory successfully changed. ftp> lcd /etc Local directory now /etc ftp> put grub.conf local: grub.conf remote: grub.conf 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,30,20,152,4). 150 Ok to send data. 226 Transfer complete. 769 bytes sent in 9.8e-05 secs (7846.94 ...
3. Upload multiple files (glob expression): # mput path/to/*.zip 4. Delete multiple files on the remote server: # mrm path/to/*.txt 5. Rename a file on the remote server: # mv original_filename new_filename 6. Download or update an entire directory: ...