Git Large File Storage Alternative: By the Way, Perforce Has Git, Too Do you have teams who need to use Git? Perforce has multiple options. If you use Helix Core in addition to Git, your Git assets can simply be mirrored into Helix Core using the Git Connector, which is free to use...
Maybe I can try and doing some testing, or do a smaller version of this that uses the git-lfs CLI tools while the full implementation gets done? We have a lot of repos with LFS files that would greatly benefit from this, so I'm willing to do whatever work is needed, but also don...
BuildRequires: perl-Test-Harness # Tests require full git suite, but not generally needed. BuildRequires: git >= 1.8.5 %endif BuildRequires: golang, tar, which Requires: git-core >= 1.8.5 %description Git Large File Storage (LFS) replaces large files such as audio samples, ...
I think this is fine for auto selection which is what the function is designed to do, but yeah if we want to support full syntax this may be overridden; the problem is I'm not sure we get the remote-side name in the pre-push hook? I'm somewhat skeptical of the actual usefulness ...
(ProjectPath)' outputPath: '$(OutputPath)' outputFileName: 'Game' additionalCmdArgs: '-logfile -' - script: '"$(UnityPath)\$(ProjectVersion)\Editor\Unity.exe" -batchmode -projectPath $(ProjectPathFull) -logfile - -nographics -runEditorTests -editorTestsResultFile $(OutputPath...
Every developer, build agent, and deploy script cloning that repository would then have to download the full 1 GB history of changes, which may lead to drastically longer clone times. Just imagine what would have happened if your designer made 99 changes to that file....
I thought I’d take a moment in this blog post to highlight one of the features of this release, but if you’re using Git LFS I recommend taking a look at thefull release notes(in which I’m ‘@sinbad‘ ) . Cloning at light speed withgit lfs clone ...
Note that after successfull runs access=basic is not written to the .git/config file. Ben Prescott_ @bprescott_ · 4 years ago Developer @apollo13, Sorry for the delay responding. is there any chance of checking the git config of the failing runs I can't see that we managed to ...
The Ultimate Edition includes: • SCARLET NEXUS (full game) • Season Pass • Digital Artbook & Soundtrack • Battle Attire Set -Red- • Additional Attachment "The Other" • SAS Plug-in Variations (3) Choose between Yuito and Kasane,
All performance tests were done with a full crew. Take off speed:60m/s Landing speed:55m/s Stall speed:~35m/s Top speed:~135m/s Service Ceiling:~10000m Max Range:~920km More about the craft: For those who like reading. This craft is inspired by two IRL planes: ...