Recientemente el Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas sometió a consulta pública el borrador de Proyecto de Ley que introduce cambios trascendentes al concepto de fuente en el marco del Impuesto a las Rentas de las Actividades Económicas (IRAE).
Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Union Europea sobre las patentes de celulas troncales embrionarias. A proposito de un informe juridico sobre paten... The Advocate General of the European Court of Justice's opinion on the patentability of embryo pluripotent stem cells according to the...
World Patent Information : Ganguli P. Comentarios sobre la Orden de Patentes N 13 de 1994 que complementa la Ley de Patentes de la India de 1970. 17 (3), 193–194 - ScienceDirectTracheaCiliaAnimalsParainfluenza Virus 1, HumanCarbonatesOxygenHEPES...
A method evaluating borehole subsurface geologies can include receiving a total response signal by a sensor array disposed in a borehole, the response signal represents a pressure wave propagating in the borehole. A secondary signal can be extracted from the total response signal and a depth ...
A method evaluating borehole subsurface geologies can include receiving a total response signal by a sensor array disposed in a borehole, the response signal represents a pressure wave propagating in the borehole. A secondary signal can be extracted from the total response signal and a depth ...
System and method for managing a powertrain in a vehicleAndreas E. PerakesAshok Rodrigues
A method for evaluating underground borehole geologies may include receiving a total response signal from a sensor array placed in a borehole, the response signal representing a pressure wave propagating in the hole. drilling. A secondary signal can be extracted from the total response signal and...