A new Lexus GS F prototype has been spotted in Europe — here are some photos from World Car Fans: Very clearly, the GS F will be heavily influenced by the new RC F — the front end is near identical with the integrated oil cooler & engine cooler vents: On the side, there’s the...
Thanks to this forum, I was informed about the various issues reported. I made sure the fuel pump recall had been addressed on my car, and I inquired about the noisy brakes issue. The service advisor told me the so-called fix is lower-friction brake pad material, with a trade-off of ...
Hello - Just picked up a new LC500 convertible and the memory seats wouldn't remember the seat position - just mirrors and wheel. Saw a post to reset the seat by putting car in accessory mode and moving seat fully forward, fully back then moving back fully forward and fully back. That ...
Lexus will apparently begin selling a supercharged LX 570 in the Gulf Arab States — here are the first photos, found on the Toyota4Arab forum: There’s also an image of the supercharged engine: According to Club Lexus poster UZJ100GXR, this is an limited edition factory package and not ...
只看楼主大图 我们可以用欣赏的角度去看,它就是艺术品!收藏 收藏 收藏 收藏 收藏 收藏 ...
The light would come on indicating that it was off, but then the light went off again. Is it still 'off' even if the light on the dash is not on? Formerly a BMW fanatic, now the proud owner of a 2008 Ultrasonic Blue IS-F Save Share ...
[秀][征集]晒晒自家爱车的优缺点 奖励金币哦
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