Use the chart below to compare Lexile Levels with other leveled reading systems: Shop recommended Lexile Level books by grade below. You can find all books and activities atThe Scholastic Store. Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2-6! Show your gratitude with aScholastic eGift Card. ...
There is also a comparison chart to help understand how a student compares to their grade level peers, based on national norms. Additional information: College and Career Readiness section displays how the student’s current measures and interests connect to readiness for a future career. What Ca...
the norms on the growth chart represent the typical growth paths for children of a specific age. Being in the 75th percentile for height isn’t good or bad, it simply means that compared to others, your niece is taller than 75% of other children her age. ...
Using Lexile Resources to Support Instruction and Differentiation Accessing Lexile Resources Available to Teachers Lexile Workshops: Teacher Objectives 1. Use Lexiles as a reading measurement system 2. Profile students, predict comprehension, and match readers to text 3. Understand, chart, ...