GE:即Grade Equivalent,在不同格式的报告单或者是书目里我们也会看到BL(book level)/GEL(grade equivalent level)的字样,后面的数值显示了被测试者的阅读能力和技巧达到了美国某个年级阶段的学生的平均阅读水平。小数点前的数字表示年级,小数点后的数字表示了月份。这个数据对各位家长中非常有借鉴意义,根据这个数值...
一是测试孩子的阅读能力,该测试称为STAR Rading,测试结果主要体现为GE值(Grade Equivalent Level); 二是通过官网查询英语读本的阅读难度,以ATOS Book Level作为难度衡量指标; 三是测试孩子对特定读物的理解程度,该测试称为AR Quiz。 (备注:STAR reading及AR Quiz测试均为有偿服务,某宝上有商家提供相关服务,STAR+...
varied. There are many factors that go into matching a student to his or her ideal text. The Lexile Framework is a good place to start in picking the right book at the right Lexile level as it targets areas in need of intervention and encourages achievement across grade levels and ...
Our new Lexile Grade Level Charts can help educators and parents see how students compare to their peers. Explore Lexile student measures by: Grade level (K-12) Time of year for test administration (beginning, middle or end of year)
原版书Lexile蓝思、DRA、GRL和GEATOS四大英语阅读分级体系及解决方案 No.1 Lexile Framework for Reading 更广泛,需搭配 —— 蓝思阅读分级体系 取值范围[ 0L~1700L ]Lexile® 蓝思阅读测评体系是美国Metametircs教育公司经过15年的研究开发的。使用机构遍布美国50个州,大约覆盖了美国全国学生人数的50%,目前已有...
第一,GradeLevel Equivalent 即年级对等值并非同年级学生的阅读教学“目标值”;在六年级之前这个数值往往低于阅读教学的目标。 第二,如前所述,Lexile 系统不直接涉及文本的语义与概念难度。 第三,部分书商会有自己不同的分级标识体系。例如在封底上标注0812,可以表示本书适合8-12岁的儿童。
Accelerated Reader (AR)分级法又称为Grade Equivalent Level(GEL), 评价读者的阅读水平等同于美国学生哪一年级第几个月阅读水平。 AR (Accelerated Reader)分级系统由英国Renaissance Learning公司开发,是一套非常精确的英文阅读分级系统。 实际上英美两国,乃至全球都有很多学校和学生在使用AR系统。Renaissance Learning主...
总体上说,主要分成4大类:年级水平(Grade Level),学术指导阅读水平(Scholastic Guided Reading Level,GRL),Lexile框架阅读(The Lexile Framework? for Reading)和发展性阅读评估Developmental ... 分享回复赞 托福吧 liumaivy 蓝思分级阅读,循序渐近地突破阅读瓶颈蓝思分级全称TheLexile Framework for Reading,是由美国...
Ranges for grades 1 through 12 are based on the text complexity grade bands in the Common Core State Standards for English, Language Arts, Appendix A (Additional Information), NGA and CCSSO, 2012. *Following procedures similar to those established for grades 1 through 12, the text complexity ...
The lexile rating system is flexible and is not tied to grade levels. Step 1 Test the student's reading level formally by using a reading assessment test or informally by asking the student to read text at various reading levels. For the latter method, you need to know the Lexile level ...