reading materials. As with all readability formulas, the resulting value is an estimate of the understandability of the text. Accelerated Reader, myON, Star Reading, and AR BookFinder display book level data in either ATOS or Lexile measures, based on the preference of your school or district.... F&P:它也叫GRL/Guided Reading Level,即按照26个字母顺序将图书分成26级。从A到Z难度递增,一级称为一个GRL。A-Z是由凡塔斯和皮内尔两位阅读专家(Fountas &Pinnell)开发的一套图书分级系统。小杨老师学校用的就是这套分级系统,它比较麻烦的是需要一对一的测试,耗时长,对测试老师...
Accelerated Reader, myON, Star Reading, and AR BookFinder display book level data in either ATOS or Lexile measures, based on the preference of your school or district. What is a Lexile measure? The Lexile Framework for Reading assesses both the reader’s level and the complexity level of ...