Lexile® Find a Book Our Accessibility Promise MetaMetrics®, the creator of the Lexile® Framework for Reading and Quantile® Framework for Mathematics, is committed to providing digital accessibility for everyone and partnered with accessibility experts who are committed to helping deliver true ...
Lexile® Find a Book Our Accessibility Promise MetaMetrics®, the creator of the Lexile® Framework for Reading and Quantile® Framework for Mathematics, is committed to providing digital accessibility for everyone and partnered with accessibility experts who are committed to helping deliver true ...
Lexile® Find a Book Our Accessibility Promise MetaMetrics®, the creator of the Lexile® Framework for Reading and Quantile® Framework for Mathematics, is committed to providing digital accessibility for everyone and partnered with accessibility experts who are committed to helping deliver true ...
Finding The Right Book Has Never Been Easier Explore all of the ways you can match students with books of the appropriate challenge to boost their confidence, build competence, and increase engagement. Lexile® Find a Book Our Accessibility Promise...
通过官网的‘find a book’功能可以查到对应书目的蓝思指数。 比如非常适合低龄孩子的《Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?》,蓝思指数是AD200L。 *AD=Adult Directed 家长指导书籍,带文字的绘本,适合家长陪学龄前孩子一起读 还可以在网站上做测评,通过报告来估算孩子目前的级别,这样匹配度更高。
Book Interest ELL In a Series Award Winning Lexile and Vocabulary by Chapter Lexile Codes AD - Adult DirectedBetter when read aloud to a student rather than a student reading independently. HL - High-LowHigh interest and age appropriate content at a lower reading level. IG - Illustrated Guide...
首先,登陆AR官网(arbookfind.com/)。然后,点击黄色框部分的“Advanced Search”。 进入“Advanced Search”对的页面后,根据孩子的年龄段填写“Interest Level”以及ZPD值。同时,为了更精准的选择孩子感兴趣的读物,还可以在“Additional Criteria”选择不同的书本主题、选择fiction或non-fiction读物等等进行搜索。 最后就能...
可以先找到一本孩子最近在读的英文书,然后使用蓝思的等级查询网址(https://hub.lexile.com/find-a-book/search)输入书名,查询一下这本书的蓝思值。 然后家长数一数这本书中总共有多少个单词,并记录下来。 接着,可以让孩子来阅读,孩子每次读错一个单词,家长就记录下来,如果孩子一开始读错,但是自己纠正过来的不...
找几本孩子可以读且难度适合的书,在蓝思官网的这个网页 https://hub.lexile.com/find-a-book/search,找到 Quick Search 搜索栏,查询到这些书的蓝思值,得出的平均分值大约就是孩子的阅读能力指数。 2、根据蓝思水平找书 有了蓝思水平后,在官网 https://hub.lexile.com/find-a-book/search 这个找书页搜索。
Finding The Right Book Has Never Been Easier Explore all of the ways you can match students with books of the appropriate challenge to boost their confidence, build competence, and increase engagement.Lexile® Find a Book Our Accessibility Promise MetaMetrics®, the creator of the Lexile® ...