If i is not the first index of the string, the substring str[i…n) is sorted in ascending order, i.e. str[i-1] > str[i] <= str[i+1] <= str[i+2] <= … <= str[n-1]. Find the lowest index j to the right of index i such that str[j] is greater than str[i-1] ...
placesToKeepdefaults to 0 and tells Mudder, instead of returning the shortest string(s) possible, to allow them to be up to (or greater than) this length. For example, if you callstart = m.mudder(start, end, 1)[0]over and over (overwritingstarteach iteration), youhalvethe space betwe...
// Function to find lexicographically next permutations of a string. // It returns true if the string could be rearranged as a lexicographically // greater permutation; otherwise, it returns false. bool next_permutation(string &str, int n) { // find the largest index `i` such that `str[...