Dedication From The Book For the enormous contributions they have made – and are continuing to make for social justice and education, Hellhound is dedicated to The Mississippi Center for Justice (web link), and the Sunflower County Freedom Project (web link). Also, to my African-American cous...
Outgoing interim CEO Patty Stonesifer said that during a recent period of growth, the newspaper spent more than it could afford because financial projections were too optimistic. The Post has 2.5 million digital subscribers, a drop of more than 15% since news magnet Trump ...
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We had a Sky News team on board to record the drama of the swim - we haven't swum through the night since the middle of Lyme Bay weeks ago. The problems that we had then were jellyfish and total lack of visibility. Fortunately, the jellyfish are no longer an issue, but the inkine...
County 300m Sprint Champion. Northampton Saints PDG. 100% Common Entrance exam Y.6 Schools Glebe House School Academic & Sports Scholarship Oundle School General Scholarship Favourite Academic Subjects History, D & T, Science, I.T. Favourite Sports ...
If you aren’t a fan of fantasy, maybe you’d like to read a different children’s book. You may be glad that you did. ••• Susan Miriello is the Executive Director of the Mifflin County Library. She is currently reading Dragon Rider No. 3: The Aurelia Curse by Cornelia Funke...
They are robust190 [and] full of hilarity….The sheriff of the county took them to ride in a wagon on Friday. At first their eyes were filled with tears, and they seemed to be afraid, but soon they enjoyed themselves very well, and appeared to be greatly delighted. Most of the ...
GLENDALE — Late inning offense carried Glendale to victory over Mount Union, 10-5, in an Inter-County Conference softball game Friday. Kendra Gardner led the Trojans going 2-for-3 with three RBIs and a home run. Mount Union hosts Everett on Monday. ...
And since not Gopher Prairie but Wakamin was the county-seat, there was no court-house with its grounds. She glanced through the fly-specked windows of the most pretentious building in sight, the one place which welcomed strangers and determined their opinion of the charm and luxury of ...
Cazau would not elaborate on the illness from which Lewis was suffering. John Fudenberg, coroner for Clark County in Nevada, said Lewis died from heart failure due to peripheral vascular disease. Lewis first gained fame for his frenzied comedy-and-music act with singer Dean Martin. When that ...