Council Bluffs, city, seat (1851) of Pottawattamie county, southwestern Iowa, U.S., on the Missouri River across from Omaha, Nebraska. The Lewis and Clark Expedition passed there in 1804 and held consultations with the Oto and Missouri Indians at a place
Some Indians had met “white men” before and were friendly and open to trade. Others were wary of Lewis and Clark and their intentions and were openly hostile, though seldom violent. In August, Lewis and Clark held peaceful Indian councils with the Odo, near present-day Council Bluffs, Iow...
their character, volcanic appearances.." Clearly, Jefferson recognized the importance of geologic features, but through the last two hundred years the geologic items observed and noted by Lewis and Clark and the role of these items and place in the outcome of the expedition have been overlooked....
Sam Clark's annual hardware turnover is the envy of the four counties which constitute God's Country. In the sensitive art of the Rosebud Movie Palace there is a Message, and humor strictly moral. Such is our comfortable tradition and sure faith. Would he not betray himself an alien cynic...
Great Falls, city, seat (1887) of Cascade county, west-central Montana, U.S. It lies along the Missouri River, near the falls (96 feet [29 metres] high) for which it was named. In 1805 the explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark observed the falls a