Free Essay: Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were sent on an expedition by President Thomas Jefferson to, explore the unknown territory, establish trading...
I clean the rain off my face.Most explorers (探险家) hope to find land, but Meriwether Lewis and I, William Clark, came all the way from St.Louis to reach___。 I turn around and face the rest of our ship members。 “We did it!”I shout,___our___。Everyone___as___as waves...
Passage 57 Lewis and Clark Reach the Pacific 刘易斯和克拉克到达太平洋 I clean the rain off my face. Most explorers hope to find land, but Meriwether Lewis and I, William Clark, came all the way from St. Louis to reach the Pacific Ocean. 我擦去脸上的雨水。大部分探险家希望发现大陆,但梅里...
We then implement and manage the investment process on an ongoing basis. With proven expertise in portfolio management, fundamental research analysis, trading and financial modeling, we have the skill to provide professional management for your assets. ...
This painting by John Ford Clymer is titled “Lewis & Clark in the Bitterroots.” Charged by President Jefferson to explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Territory, Merriweather Lewis and William Clark’s Corps of Discovery faced fierce challenges crossing the snowy Bitterroot Mountains in ...
Lewis and Clark Reach the Pacific I clean the rain off my face.Most explorers hope to find land, but Meriwether Lewis and I, William Clark, came all the way from St.Louis to reachthePacificOcean. I turn around and face the...
As Lewis and Clark traveled west over the Missouri river they encountered many tribes of American Indians. After making friends with the Mandan, the Corps of Discovery spent the first winter, of their journey, in 1804-1805 with the small tribe trading goods, information and sharing cultural and...
The Weippe Prairie is one of eight registered national landmarks in the State of Idaho and is part of the National Lewis & Clark Historic Trail. It is a level meadow fringed by forest, and through it runs Jim Ford’s Creek, named after a pioneer wood dealer from Lewiston. Come visit ...
Greeves, who has done 35 sculptures of the Lewis arid Clark Expedition. His interest in history began as a child in St. Louis, Missouri. By his mid-20s, Greeves had bought a trading post on Wyoming's Wind River Rese...
Council Bluffs, city, seat (1851) of Pottawattamie county, southwestern Iowa, U.S., on the Missouri River across from Omaha, Nebraska. The Lewis and Clark Expedition passed there in 1804 and held consultations with the Oto and Missouri Indians at a place