MATT WASTRADOWSKI Columbian staff writer
and mediator proved indispensable to the expeditioners — and York, William Clark’s slave, who also contributed to the expedition’s success (though he and Sacagawea were not paid for their work). AndI’ll tell my children stories of earlier generations in my family who headed west as homest...
‘s time to hunker down in Winter quarters. Lewis and Clark put the decision to a vote as to where to build Fort Clatsop, their home for the next five months. A tally of the votes is recorded in Clark’s journal, including historic votes from York, the African American slave, and ...
Second, the Lewis and Clark expedition resonates because it’s not just a white man’s army, but rather a group of people from many different racial, ethnic, cultural and social backgrounds—a human community as diverse as any in America today. Consider York, William Clark’s slave and fel...
John Colter was an American trapper-explorer, the first white man to have seen and described (1807) what is now Yellowstone National Park. Colter was a member of Lewis and Clark’s company from 1803 to 1806. In 1807 he joined Manuel Lisa’s trapping part
Meriwether Lewis was an American explorer, who with William Clark led the Lewis and Clark Expedition through the uncharted American interior to the Pacific Northwest in 1804–06. He later served as governor of Upper Louisiana Territory. Born to William L
Did you know that men of the native tribes that Lewis and Clark encountered frequently offered their wives and daughters to the explorers? Or that the Corps of Discovery frequently ate dogs? Lewis and Clark got lost? These and other "believe-it-or-not" f
Son of Charbonneau and Sacagawea Jean Baptiste William Clark's slave York Small flat-bottomed boats Pirouge 55-foot boat, main transport for the expedition. Keelboat Teton Sioux leader Black Buffalo To walk around Portage Shoshone leader, Sacagawea's brother Cameahwait Nez Perce woman elder Watku...
Besides the two leaders, the permanent crew included 27 soldiers and four civilians--Clark's slave York, Sacagawea, her infant son Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, and her husband, Toussaint Charbonneau. The expedition crossed the homeland of more than 100 distinct Native American tribes. Dazzled by the...