Learn about the Lewis & Clark Expedition, with its route and significance to American history. Learn about the discoveries made along the way in...
The solid red line is the outbound and return journey route, the dotted red line is the outbound journey route. Notice where the Corps had to travel back upstream to cross the river. Expand the map to see the entire journey route. The green points are National Parks.Source: Lewis and Cl...
John Colter was an American trapper-explorer, the first white man to have seen and described (1807) what is now Yellowstone National Park. Colter was a member of Lewis and Clark’s company from 1803 to 1806. In 1807 he joined Manuel Lisa’s trapping part
Lewis and Clark Expedition Map Lewis and Clark Expedition Map.Beverly Hernandez Use the map to track the route Lewis and Clark took on their expedition.
In the hoofprints of Lewis and Clark The article narrates how an American travel writer and a French photographer retrace the route of the expedition of two diplomats, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, during their pursuit of the Northwest Passage in the U.S. M Son - 《Practical Horseman》...
In 1804, Lewis and Clark set off on a journey filled with harrowing confrontations, harsh weather and fateful decisions as they scouted a route across the American West.
Lewis and Clark knew they would not succeed without some friends in the new territory. They packed gifts for the Native Americans they would meet. In return, they hoped for information about native plants and animals and advice on how to travel...
The mission was offered by President Thomas Jefferson to Lewis who chose Clark to help lead the expedition. The mission had many purposes. Among the purposes was to document whether a water route existed to the Pacific Ocean, which was known as the “Northwest Passage.” These books are...
Their mission was to map the newly acquired western lands of the Louisianna Purchase, almost 1803—828,000 square miles of unexplored territory, as well as find a route to the Pacific Ocean. This expedition was led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. During their adventure, the group ...