I clean the rain off my face.Most explorers (探险家) hope to find land, but Meriwether Lewis and I, William Clark, came all the way from St.Louis to reach___。 I turn around and face the rest of our ship members。 “We did it!”I shout,___our___。Everyone___as___as waves...
Passage 57 Lewis and Clark Reach the Pacific 刘易斯和克拉克到达太平洋 I clean the rain off my face. Most explorers hope to find land, but Meriwether Lewis and I, William Clark, came all the way from St. Louis to reach the Pacific Ocean. 我擦去脸上的雨水。大部分探险家希望发现大陆,但梅里...
Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific Ocean after traveling through several rivers, including the Clearwater River, Snake River and Columbia River. However, they did not find one direct (直接的) waterway that could lead boats straight to the Pacific from the Mississippi. Still, the journey was a...
58.Lewis and Clark Reach the Pacific 刘易斯和克拉克到达太平洋 70篇短文搞定1600中考考纲词汇分句讲解 98 1 9:21 App 51.The Colorful World 多彩的世界 70篇短文搞定1600中考考纲词汇分句讲解 1852 1 46:01 App 史密森尼 航拍美国 S7E10.西部荒野(2016)[水山汉化] 54 -- 0:59 App 59.Chopsticks 筷子...
Lewis and Clark Reach the Pacific I clean the rain off my face.Most explorers hope to find land, but Meriwether Lewis and I, William Clark, came all the way from St.Louis to reachthePacificOcean. I turn around and face the...
57. Lewis and Clark Reach the Pacific 刘易斯和克拉克到达太平洋2022-11-15 王守山学堂 + 关注献花(0) 来自:王守山学堂 > 《初中英语听力》 猜你喜欢 类似文章世界上最大的小木屋——巨型原木搭建的宏伟大楼 【美国历史系列】刘易斯与克拉克远征 70个故事,记住中考英语1600词!(29) Pacific Wind[太平洋风] ...
Thanks to her, trade with Native Americans began.Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific Ocean after traveling through several rivers, including the Clearwater River, Snake River and Columbia River. However, they did not find one direct (直接的) waterway that could lead boats straight to the ...
57. Lewis and Clark Reach the Pacific 刘易斯和克拉克到达太平洋 28552021-03 3 58. The Cat That Rang the Bell 敲钟的猫 26092021-03 4 59. Chopsticks 筷子 39392021-03 5 60. Beijing Zoo 北京动物园 30092021-03 6 61. Strawberry and Watermelon Juice 草莓西瓜果汁 24772021-03 7 62. Coke 可乐 ...
LEWIS and CLARK Reach, the PacificPresents information on exploration of the Pacific Ocean by the Corps of Discovery, led by co-captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.McCabe, SuzanneJunior Scholastic
Thanks to her.trade with Native Americans began.Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific Ocean after traveling through several rvers, including the Clearwater River. Snake River and Columhi a River, However.they did not find one direct(直接的) waterway that could lead boats straight to the Pacific...