Direct descendants of the tens of millions of bison that once populated the Western plains they represent an epic effort: to restore a piece of America’s prairie to the national grandeur that Lewis and Clark extolled two centuries ago. During that famous expedition across the Western states to...
Also in the Live at San Francisco 1986 version you changed one of the words from “down at brothers in the parking lot” down at __ in the parking lot. Is that a place in California and what is the song about? (P.S you’re my favourite musician in the world).Sincerely, Jasmina ...
Lewis and Clark Expedition - Exploration, Pacific Coast, Return: The expedition arrived at the Pacific Ocean in November, 1805. They spent the winter near present-day Astoria, Oregon, and started the return journey in March, 1806. The expedition contribu
John Colter was an American trapper-explorer, the first white man to have seen and described (1807) what is now Yellowstone National Park. Colter was a member of Lewis and Clark’s company from 1803 to 1806. In 1807 he joined Manuel Lisa’s trapping part