school located in omaha, ne, which is in a large city setting. the student population of lewis & clark middle school is 860 and the school serves 6-8. at lewis & clark middle school, 18% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 29% scored at or above that...
贝尔维尤市是华盛顿州学区最好的地方之一,大多数地区是属于Bellevue School District或Lake WashingtonSchool District这两个学区,是西雅图地区非常好的学区,这两个学区里有西雅图地区很好的小学,中学及高中。整个华盛顿州排名前五的高中,有四个在贝尔维尤市,送孩子进这些高中入读,高中毕业后将有很大的机会被美国顶尖大学...