and Lewis selected WilliamClarkas his associate in command. The purpose was to search out a land route to the Pacific, to strengthen American claims to Oregon territory, and to gather information about the indigenous inhabitants and the country of the Far West. Before the long march was begun...
Discusses the book €Lewis & Clark: Doctors in the Wilderness,€ by Bruce C. Paton.Valencius, Conevery BoltonJournal of the West
Clark, William (1770-1838)Article excerpt Exploring Lewis and Clark: Reflections on Men and Wilderness. By THOMAS P. SLAUGHTER. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003. xviii, 235 pp. $24.00. LEWIS AND CLARK'S celebrity status preceded the ongoing bicentennial of the Corps of Discovery for the si...
In 1803, U.S. President Thomas Jefferson created the Corps of Discovery and commissioned Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to lead an expedition into the American Northwest. Starting out in 1804, Lewis and Clark led an arduous expedition from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean for a to...
Meriwether Lewis must have been exultant on August 11, 1806. After 28 months, the expedition—an ambitious venture to explore the western part of the continent, proposed by President Thomas Jefferson—was nearly over. Lewis, his cocaptain William Clark, and a pack of grizzled woodsmen had st...
Recommended articles No articles found. Citing articles (0) This article has not been cited. Related book content No articles found.doi:10.1016/0093-061X(79)90022-4Harold F. SmithProfessor and Librarian, Park College, Kansas City, MO 64152, U.S.AElsevier B.V.Government Publications Review...
In 1806, John Colter, a member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, left to join a group of fur trappers. 1806年,作为刘易斯和克拉克探险队成员的约翰•科尔特尔离开了探险队而加入一个毛皮猎人小组。 3. As president, he was involved with the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 and the...
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. Portraits painted in 1807-08 by Charles Willson Peale. Drs. David Peck and Marti Peck will give presentations at theWestern Spirit: Scottsdale’s Museum of the West, Scottsdale, Arizona, about these issues: ...
Lewis and Clark: At the Falls of the OhioAFTER arriving in Louisville, Ky., on Oct. 14, 1803, CPT Meriwether Lewis hired local pilots to...White, Charles ESoldiers
St. Louis hosts final Lewis and Clark Bicentennial event.(Brief article)Grant, Regan