Leviton Cat. No. OSSMT-MD 多技术风格 Decora 样式墙上空感传感器说明
CN220 turns fixtures on and off, it is ideally suited for entranceways and other areas where full-brightness lighting is required whenever lights are on. The CN221 is a strong option wherever a dimming controller is required.Both feature a locator LED and come in white with matching wall...
40266,40280,40538,40544,40549,40566,40580,40588,40638,40649.Allcatalog numbersmaybefollowedbysuffixeswhichcanbeformulatedto present alpha or alphanumeric text denoting color . Alpha suffixes may range from -A to -Z incl., -AA to -ZZ incl. or -AAA to -ZZZ incl. Alphanumeric suffixes may be...