Leviticus 19:28 ► Audio Cross Study Comm Heb Verse (Click for Chapter) New International Version“’Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.New Living Translation“Do not cut your bodies for the dead, and do not mark your skin with tatt...
Leviticus 19:28-30 New International Version 28 “‘Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord. 29 “‘Do not degrade your daughter by making her a prostitute, or the land will turn to prostitution and be filled with wickedness. 30 “‘...
28The priest shall also put some of the oil in his palm on the right earlobe of the one to be cleansed, on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot— on the same places as the blood of the guilt offering. 29The rest of the oil in his palm, the ...
19 你们要献一只公山羊为赎罪祭,两只一岁的小公绵羊为平安祭。 20 祭司要把这些和初熟庄稼做成的饼,与两只小公绵羊一同在耶和华面前摇一摇,作为摇祭。这些献给耶和华的圣物是归给祭司的。 21 在这一日,你们要宣告圣会;任何劳动的工都不可做。在你们一切的住处,这要成...
(19); it is parallel to the Ark of the Covenant. The first Unit of each array is connected to the part of the Tabernacle which is parallel to the position of the array. Unit I, the first Unit in the outer array, is made up of sacrifices at the altar in the courtyard. Unit IV,...
羊羔選好察驗四天是否殘疾 = 耶穌被試驗四天,人發現祂毫無瑕疵 (約19: 6)。 正月十四號早上,羔羊被牽到祭壇,早晨九點鐘,羊羔被捆綁放到祭壇上公開示眾 = 正月十四號早上耶穌被釘在十字架上,在加略山公開示眾。 下午三點整大祭司上祭壇,另一位祭司在聖殿的牆吹角,三點鐘大祭司會割斷被獻為祭的羊羔的喉嚨...
11:15乌 鸦与其类。 11:16鸵 鸟 , 夜鹰 , 鱼鹰 , 鹰与其类。 11:17? ? 鸟 , 鸬鹚 , 猫头鹰 , 11:18角 鸱 , 鹈鹕 , 秃雕 , 11:19鹳 , 鹭鸶与其类 , 戴 ? ? 与蝙蝠。 11:20凡 有翅膀用四足爬行的物 , 你们都当以为可憎。
"Love your neighbor as yourself." (Leviticus 19:18) Jesus said, "All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." (Matthew 22:40) More than anything else, Jesus sent us his Holy Spirit to energize our lives. The Spirit makes the law obsolete. ...
(28) But the earthen vessel.--The earthen vessels need by the Hebrews were unglazed. The ordinary domestic vessels throughout the East are so to this day. From their porous character, therefore, they would absorb some of the fat juices of the flesh which was boiled in them for the ...
Leviticus 26:18-28 New International Version 18“‘If after all this you will not listen to me,I will punishyou for your sins seven times over.19I will break down your stubborn prideand make the sky above you like iron and the ground beneath you like bronze.20Your strength will be sp...