音程 正如原子是构成物质的基本单位,音程是构成旋律及和弦的基本单位。我们给音程一个恰当的定义:两个音之间的距离。图1-1给出了所有的音程,(都以中央c为基准)从最小的半音/小二度,一直到八度。每个音程的上…
首页吉他教学教学合集【下载】Mark Levine 《The Jazz Theory 爵士理论(全)》中文版高清PDF 【下载】Mark Levine 《The Jazz Theory 爵士理论(全)》中文版高清PDF 资源下载此资源下载价格为10易币,请先登录 1易币=1元! 标价仅展示,充值不了!需要资源加下面微信发红包获取,最低充值30,用不完的发用户名,人工冲...
There's a Mark Levine book called The Jazz Theory Book. I would suggest getting it and doing two pages a day just to study it and learn to read some basic piano, even if you can only pick out one note at a time. As you work through it you'll notice the way you hear and the ...
played through a a couple of pages every day。 There's still a *ton* of practice needed, of course :) I came to this book familiar with probably 75% of the topics it covered (though not always in quite as much detail), through various jazz piano lessons on and off over the years...