小美人鱼内心深处的梦想似乎即将被唤醒 See, the youngest princess of the kingdom submarine,你们看,这是海底王国的小公主 Was dressed in the prettiest attairs by her grandmother,她穿着奶奶给她准备的盛装 Silently, solemnly did she wandering,静静地,肃穆地游荡在海里 Scarlet Lily as the c...
Scarlet Lily as the crown, which we can never find another, 头戴殷红色百合花冠,在世界上并不能找出另一个 And the mussels on her fish tail, 还有在她鱼尾上做装饰的牡蛎 Which gave an evidence to her royal blood 为她高贵的皇室血统提供见证 Her skin silken against the pearl, now a bit pale...