A.Z. Wang, M.F.A da Silva, and N.O. Santos, "On parameters of the Levi-Civita solution," to appear in Class. Quantum Grav. (1997).Wang, A., da Silva, M.F.A., Santos, N.O.: Class. Quantum Gravity 14 , 2417 (1997)...
M. F. A. da Silva,L. Herrera,F. M. Paiva,N. O. Santos Full-Text Cite this paper Add to My Lib Abstract: We consider two exact solutions of Einstein's field equations corresponding to a cylinder of dust with net zero angular momentum. In one of the cases, the dust distribution...
F.M.PaivaandN.O.Santos DepartamentodeAstrof´ısica,CNPq-Observat´orioNacional, RuaGeneralJos´eCristino77,20921-400RiodeJaneiro-RJ,Brazil Author’sinternetaddressesrespectively:mfas@on.br,lherrera@conicit.ve,fmpaiva@on.br andnos@on.br. 1 Abstract WeconsidertwoexactsolutionsofEinstein’s...
马库斯·列维(Marcus Levi Santos da Silva) 国家:巴西出生日期:2003-8-16 效力球队:康菲安卡 场上位置:守门员 队友莫里斯 塞尔吉尼奥·米涅罗 威廉斯·桑塔纳 吉尔伯托 拉菲尔·桑托斯 阿莱克斯·亨里克 若奥·保罗 维尼修斯·西蒙 内托·贝罗拉 埃弗顿·桑托斯 尼莱 莱昂纳多·席尔瓦 皮雷斯 巴雷...
daSilvaM.F.A.HerreraL.PaivaF.M.SantosN.O.EBSCO_AspJournal of Mathematical PhysicsM. F. da Silva, L. Herrera, F. M. Paiva, and N. O. Santos, "The Levi-Civita space-time," Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 3625-3631, 1995....