Click on the tabs below to see more information on Leveraged Silver ETFs, including historical performance, dividends, holdings, expense ratios, technical indicators, analysts reports and more. Click on an ETF ticker or name to go to its detail page, for in-depth news, financial data and graph...
Precious MetalsGoldSilverCopper Natural GasLeveraged CommodityInverse CommodityView All Commodity Currency ›› USD (U.S. Dollar)EUR (Euro)GBP (British Pound)JPY (Japanese Yen) Leveraged CurrencyInverse CurrencyView All Currency Volatility ›› ...
There are a wide range of commodities such as gold, silver, oil, etc, which are considered assets. It is because commodities are used as hedges against other asset classes, such as the foreign exchange markets, that they have a strong inverse relationship with them. For example, gold trading...
ETF Name Total Assets* YTD Avg Volume Previous Closing Price 1-Day Change Overall Rating AGQProShares Ultra Silver$663,35725.75%1,738,951$42.34-2.69% UGLProShares Ultra Gold$396,45422.31%215,149$114.34-0.31% UCOProShares Ultra Bloomberg Crude Oil$383,922-1.56%1,543,392$27.07-5.88% ...
For the bullish gold traders, options include: Direxion Daily Jr Gold Miners Bull 3X ETF (JNUG): Seeks daily investment results, before fees and expenses, of 200% of the daily performance of the MVIS Global Junior Gold Miners Index. The index ...
ETF Database Themes Category Inverse Equities Inverse Yes Leveraged -2x Asset Class Equity Asset Class Size Multi-Cap Asset Class Style Blend Sector (General) Materials Sector (Specific) Silver Miners Region (General) Global Region (Specific) Broad FactSet Classifications Segment Inverse...
强大的WisdomTree Silver 3x Daily Leveraged DE(PCFH)ETF走势K线图表工具,追踪历史及最新WisdomTree Silver 3x Daily Leveraged DEETF净值,并有专业的K线形态分析。
今日WisdomTree Silver 3x Daily LeveragedETF(3SIL) ETF净值查询,最新实时行情,走势图表,及WisdomTree Silver 3x Daily LeveragedETF(3SIL)的专业技术分析,历史数据,最新消息和未来预测。
and currently one of thebest performerswith a YTD of 26%. This ETF has out performed the S&P 500 every year since its inception in 2008, but this could partly be due to the fact that gold is always in high demand when markets are bad. Investors should look to see how DGP does as ...
强大的WisdomTree Silver 2x Daily Leveraged DE(4RUE)ETF走势图表工具,追踪历史及最新的WisdomTree Silver 2x Daily Leveraged DEETF净值,并可做专业的行情走势分析。