ETF Overview provides information including ETF Turnover, ETF Cumulative Change, ETF Calendar Year Change, ETF Dividend Analysis, ETF Expenses and Facts
The leveraged and inverse ETF utilize derivatives, such as futures contracts and swaps which are subject to market risks that may cause their price to fluctuate over time. The leveraged and inverse ETFs do not attempt to, and should not be expected to, provide returns which are a multiple of...
Leveraged and inverse ETPs are uniquely risky financial instruments—and generally aren't suitable for most investors.
The alert stated that the achievement of leveraged and inverse ETFs objectives is on a daily basis that performance can differ in longer time periods. Also mentioned are questions for investors before dealing with ETFs and short funds such as the objectives and the risks and what will happen if...
Unlock your trading potential with Direxion - The trusted leader in Leveraged and Inverse ETFs. Discover more opportunities today!
Learn About Leveraged & Inverse ETFs Trading is different than investing. Use our insights and educational resources to make sure you’re ready to trade in Direxion’s Leveraged and Inverse ETFs. Leveraged and Inverse ETF Education Center Educational materials, videos, and self-paced online training...
Unlock your trading potential with Direxion - The trusted leader in Leveraged and Inverse ETFs. Discover more opportunities today!
Unlock your trading potential with Direxion - The trusted leader in Leveraged and Inverse ETFs. Discover more opportunities today!
In this podcast, I'm going to dig deep into how inverse and leveraged ETF products are structured and priced so that you have a complete understanding of the "drag" they carry before investing. View risk disclosuresIn the past couple years inverse and leveraged ETFs have been some of the ...
Crooked volatility smiles: Evidence from leveraged and inverse ETF optionsout-of-the-moneyvolatilityoptions‘crookedness’observationWe find that leverage in exchange traded funds (ETFs) can affect the ‘crookedness’ of volatility smiles. This observation is consistent with the intuition that return ...