Lever Action(二战) “杠杆式狙击步枪,能够高速上膛,命中胸部以上一击杀敌。” ——游戏内描述 多人联机 Lever Action杠杆式步枪是《二战》中后续加入的一把狙击步枪。在之前作品《高级战争》中拥有同名武器。 杠杆式步枪在游戏的叙述中是一把“栓动”狙击步枪。其基础威力偏低,为75点。对角色身体的加成表现,可以造...
Lever-action firearms use a lever situated around the trigger guard area (or the lever forms part of the trigger guard itself) to load rounds into the barrel chamber when the lever is cycled. It is a type of repeating firearm such as a bolt-action rifle or pump-action shotgun. Although ...