As I get older, I find that I love my lever-action guns more and more. Nope, I don’t use ‘em in open country, and am unlikely to take one for mule deer, or up a sheep mountain. They have limitations, but they’re just so much fun. And, they’re a wonderful part of Americ...
Whether you’re in need of a lightweight brush gun, versatile hog dropper, rugged deer gun, dedicated truck gun, or all the above, you will be hard-pressed to find a better option. The lever action .45-70 has been around forever, but that doesn’t mean it needs to stop evolving to...
deer hunting cowboy boar 1895 hog bison lever ruger marlin jurrasic elk moose wildwest hunting-rifle huntingrifle leveraction leveractionrifle gamereadyasset 45-70 4570 sbl huntingweapons substancepainter blender gameasset 3dmodel gun gameready gameready-asset chrispratt marmosettoolbag4 45-70govt Z...
Lever-action rifles helped America tame the Wild West. Impact Guns has hundreds of lever-action rifles for sale at cheap prices. Buy the best lever-action at Impact Guns and get a lifetime warranty.
Looking for the finest 30-30 scope for hunting or field shooting? This guide includes a selection of the best options on the market.
the .30-30 can stop it in a hurry. From deer to black bears, feral hogs to mountain lions, the .30-30 has what it takes to get the job done right. It’s even been used to bring down moose and caribou. The .30-30 is considered the entry-class of big game hunting cartridges, ...
Basically in a Ruger BH and modern lever action rifles you can shoot ammo, both factory and hand loads, that will surpass the performance of the .44 Mag, with less pressure, less felt recoil, and less muzzle blast. I know this thread was the choice between the .45 Colt and .44 Specia...