LEAD LEVELS OF WATER SOURCES IN MANILA, PHILIPPINESJudilynn SolidumVina A RoseVina Rose DahiligAbdelnaser Omran
and have replaced traditional materials in many applications. Unfortunately, their unique traits ensure that they pose a major threat to the environment. While literature on freshwater microplastic contamination has grown over the recent years, research undertaken in rapidly developing countries, where plas...
To deal with problems like this, Benjamin Francisco has been promoting the idea of licensing systems. The aim is to limit the number of boats on the water. Asia has the world’s largest fishing fleets (船队). They represent nearly three million of the world’s four million fishing boats...
Energy levels are of great importance for many systems other than simple atoms such as hydrogen. For instance, they determine the interactions and binding of molecules in chemistry and biochemistry, the stability or decay of nuclei, and the macroscopic properties of solids, such as the optical pro...
Pacific coastlines.An example can be found in Sindangan, a fish-ing town in the southern Philippines. The area's once healthy fishing is in danger because of an in-crease in the number of- fishing boats.Across the South Chin a Sea, fish catches near shore have dropped since the 1980s....
Symp. at IRRI, Manila, Philippines (Maryland: John Hopkins Press) pp. 295–329 Google Scholar Satyanarayana T and Ghildyal B P 1970 Influence of soil water regimes on the growth and nutrient uptake of rice;J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 18 41–44 Google Scholar Shapiro R E 1958 Effect ...
The Philippines is one of the most threatened countries when it comes to coastal flooding, with some parts of the national capital expected to be underwater by 2050 according to non-profit science and news organisation, Climate Central. This could affect up to 6.8 million people living in high...
“Public policy makers should take note of these studies and work towards improving coastal protection and mitigation measures. Building dykes and sea walls, retreating from shorelines, and deploying early warning systems are some of the steps which can be taken to adapt to this change,” Dr Ki...
Southern Hemisphere, areas along the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Peninsula, the southern half of North America’s Pacific coast, and areas including Hawaii, the Caribbean, the Philippines and Indonesia. In many of these regions, sea level is expected to rise faster than at higher latitudes...
Improving Productivity, Profitability and Sustainability of Degraded Grasslands Through Tree-Based Land Use Systems in the Philippines This study aimed to quantify and analyze the productivity, profitability and sustainability of alternative land uses in the degraded grasslands using a bioeconomic modeling ...