This also demonstrates that, in retrospective studies, levels of persistent organic compounds are useful as markers of exposure, as their tissue levels mainly reflect previous exposures. However, most organic compounds are readily metabolized and excreted from the human body, and in many instances it...
The adopted values for EDI estimation were: 4% of lipid [22] and 700 g of human milk/day [23]. The HQ was calculated as the EDI divided by the reference dose (RfD) proposed by EPA (5 μg of ΣDDT/kg body wt./day) [24] and the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) ...
Learn about the human food chain and apex predators. Discover levels in the food chain, who is at the top of the food chain, and where humans are...
Ecosystem services (ESs), the benefits nature provides to people, are an important basis for fulfilling sustainable development goals (SDGs). Therefore, an ES-based approach will help deepen our understanding of the relationships between natural systems and human well-being and provide co-benefit pat...
The widespread human exposure to perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) has led to increasing public concern. In this study, we present a comprehensive measurement of total fluorine (TF), extractable organic fluorine (EOF), identified organic fluorine (IOF, total concentration of identified PFAAs quantified as...
Acountless number of Christianshave already experienced the life changing effects of our herbal supplements. And they keep coming back to us again and again! Our customers know each herb we produce is grown and harvested using 100% safe organic farming practices. And they know we carefully proces...
Human activities associated with large-scale farms and the monocultures expose honey bees to one type of food. Moreover, there is an ongoing decline of plant species producing pollen and nectar in Europe. A poorly balanced diet affects a number of processes occurring in a bee’s body. The ...
The cortisol hormone is a stress-released hormone that is part of the glucocorticoid group of hormones. Learn the definition and functions of...
and the equilibrium inventory of natural tritium is estimated to be approximately 1.29 × 1018Bq (approximately 3.6 kg) at present [2]. Several human activities including atmospheric nuclear tests, nuclear reactor operation, spent fuel reprocessing, tritium manufacturing, and controlled ...
Welch Centre for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research, Baltimore, MD, USA Adrienne Tin Medical Research Council Human Genetics Unit, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Jonathan Marten, Thibaud S. Boutin, Caroline Hayward, Shona M. Kerr, Jame...