who took his own life in 2018, at age 28, got his stage name from Avici, the hell-like realm in Buddhism where dead sinners are reborn. There is something punishing about “Levels,” which, like the office drone pushing a boulder up a mountain in its music video...
Lowest level, equivalent to "Hell" in Christianity or having just enough Karma to be reincarnated as a cockroach in Buddhism. These men (and they are always men) have no real interest in the spirit of the wave or the soul of surfing because they have no souls. Lacking souls, they cannot...
Buddha`s Law of Dependent Origination 緣起965 Mahayana buddhism 大乘佛教World Religion960 Huang Po黄檗希運(770-850 A.D.) chinese zen buddhist master960 Sermon on the MountSermon in the New Testament955 TrinityChristian theological concept945