Journal of Medical EthicsVanpee D, Swine C: Scale of levels of care versus DNR orders. J Med Ethics 2004, 30: 351–352.Vanpee, D. (2004) Scale of levels of care versus DNR orders.Vanpee D, Swine C. Scale of levels of care versus DNR orders. J Med Ethics 2004; 30 : 351-2....
Associations between preoperative DNR status, operative management (categorically evaluated as revascularization versus amputation), and mortality we re evaluated using logistic regression. Results 15,541 operations were identified, of which 9417doi:10.1016/S0924-977X(08)70728-4P.C. Casarotto...
These reads were classified into 72 classes, 152 orders, 324 families, 866 genera and 2054 species. The remaining reads (13.95%) were not assigned to any known taxa. Analysis of the C. simula microbiome identified Proteobacteria as the most prevalent phylum with a total number of reads of ...