Levels of consciousness MAP OF THE SCALE OF CONSCIOUSNESS God-view Self-view Level Log Emotion Process Self Is Enlightenment 700- 1000 Ineffable Pure Consciousness All-being Perfect Peace 600 Bliss Illumination One Complete Joy 540 Serenity Transfiguration Loving Benign Love 500 Reverence Revelation Wise...
1.1. Self-consciousness in development There is a general consensus on a few major landmarks in young childrenÕs psychological de- velopment such as the manifestation of the first social smile, the first independent steps, or the first words. All parents also notice an important change...
Qinglin Zhang2 & Simon Van Gaal3,4 Although previous work has shown that conflict can be detected in the absence of awareness, it is unknown how different sources of conflict (i.e., semantic, response) are processed in the human brain and whether these processes are differently modulated...
Experiment 2 (N = 148) examined effects of brand consciousness and exposure in a 3 (degree of change: original vs. small vs. substantial change) x 2 (Exposure: 1 vs. 3 exposures) between subjects design with brand consciousness as a continuous moderator to extend the paradigm to a more ...
Friedman-Krauss et al., 2014; Muhonen et al., 2021), the present study suggests that a moderate level of work-related stress may link with teachers' consciousness of what is happening in the classroom as well as their own performance. Based on the study results, we would argue that it ...
Correlates and consequences of behavioral procrastination: The effects of academic procrastination, self-consciousness, self-esteem, and self-handicapping Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 15 (2000), pp. 3-13 Google Scholar Cassady and Johnson, 2002 J.C. Cassady, R.E. Johnson Cognitive ...
(ADHD) and antisocial personality disorder in the CD group); lifetime history of head injury with loss of consciousness for 45 min; neurological disorders; unstable medical condition; low level of education (drop-out before the age of 16 years); any use of medication affecting the central ...
Association Between Concussion Symptom Quartile and Loss of Consciousness With Low Testosterone and Erectile Dysfunction View LargeDownload A and B, The lowest quartile served as the reference for all models. The base model is adjusted for age and race/ethnicity; the football exposure model is ...
See also Induced States of Consciousness - Patent 5356368 Monroe & MKULTRA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mz02buQyd4Aquino- NSA Devil Worshiper Long Range Takeover & Satellite Mind Control:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL150uJIVHASilent Sound Mind Control Explained:http://www.youtube...
The probable AD classification was based on the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria:32 MMSE X13 and p26; deficit in two or more areas of cognition; no consciousness disturbance; onset between 40 and 90 years, generally after the age of 65; and absence of systemic disorders or ot...