WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery, you’ll be met with a choice of two zones, and you’ll have to decide where you should level next. Recommended Videos At this point in the leveling process, the two most prominent zones for Alliance players areDuskwoodand theWetlands—and it’s possible...
RELATED:10 Best Recipes In Classic WoW It's one of those zones that doesn't explain itself too much, leaving a lot of the finer details about its inhabitants up to your imagination. Which makes the place charming in its own right. That is when you're not too preoccupied genociding swamp...
With Deathwing's return comes the Cataclysm to sunder the world and warp the very foundations of the zones you've come to know and love since we first re-experienced them with WoW Classic's launch. There will be major shakeups in questlines, quest struct
Welcome to our WoW Classic leveling guide for warriors! The tough and mighty warrior certainly makes for one of the strongest late-game classes for damage or tanking, but it balances out with a fairly weak leveling experience. If you’re feeling frustrat
Zones:You should head to Outland as soon as you reach level 58, as the quest rewards are much better. Mount:At level 60, you can purchase your first flying mount. A basic flying mount has a flying speed of 150% and a ground speed of 60%, and costs 300 gold total. The Flying trai...
Having a route planned out ahead of time for what zones you want to go to, or even going so far as knowing what quests you want to complete, is the main way that people get more efficient at leveling. The more precise your route, the faster your leveling will be. It is a long jou...
In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know while leveling your Hunter in Classic WoW.The guide goes over the best Hunter talent builds and the best Hunter questing zones, to improve your leveling time, available weapon skills for Hunter, best Hunter stat, and more. We ...
Keep in mind you can stay in Northrend longer and skin up much longer to 475 or greater if you want, but if you’re anxious to get started in Cataclysm then go ahead and head to these zones.If you’re in need of gold and would like to buy these materials instead of level, check ...
Source: Weapon Vendors in all low-level zones. It costs 5s 4c. Level Required: 3 Weapon Stats: Speed 2.50, 8-13 Damage, 4.2 DPS Weapon Type: Staff Quarter Staff Source: Weapon Vendors in all Horde Capital Cities Level Required: 11 Weapon Stats: Speed 2.70, 20-31 Damage, 9.4 DPS Weapo...
Bag space is VERY limited throughout classic wow, and leveling is no exception. You will find yourself having to delete items. Always make sure you vendor all useless items when you leave a place with a vendor. If you plan on leveling up multiple characters over the course of your time ...