Now my kids want to play so I'm doing the whole "5e" thing. We played over the weekend and they went from 1st level to 2nd level. When I was a kid, you had to find a master, spend money, spend a few weeks in game time to "gain the knowledge of the next level...
PPrrooppeerrttiieess ooff CCaallcciiuumm SSuullffaattee SSaammpplleess:: PPhhoosspphhooggyyppssuumm ((PPGG RREEFF)),, ββ--HHeemmiihhyyddrraattee,, aanndd Phosphoanhydrite (PAA)) As sseeeennininTaTbalbel5e, 5th, ethaevearvagereadgieamdieatmere(tDer50()Do5f0)phoofsphosapnhoyadn...