Alchemy is a skill in Skyrim that provides players with different benefits through potion and poison brewing. However, to utilize the full potential of Alchemy, you will need to level it up, and the time and resources you spend to level up this skill will be worth it. Like other skills i...
Smithing is among the 18 Skills in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This skill focuses on the player’s ability to forge and improve gear, including weapons and armor. It is one of the three crafting skills alongside Alchemy and Enchanting. Leveling up the Smithing skill unlocks different possibil...
The unfortunate result is that the sole purpose of seven of Skyrim’s thirteen Illusion perks exist only to increase the potency of its spells. While this arguably serves to make each of these perks useful over the course of the game, it makes Skyrim’s magic decidedly lackluster. These perk...
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