As Alliance, the earliest dungeon that you will have access to is the Deadmines. You should wait until about Level 16 to start this, meaning you will need to quest to level until then. If you are doing a spell cleave group however, you may want to wait until Level 20 since that is...
My name is Judgement and I am a Classic WoW enthusiast. I have been playing WoW since Vanilla and in the most recent years I have been spending a lot of time playing Vanilla WoW private servers. After Classic was announced I started to work on leveling r
Journey from Dragonblight to Grizzly Hills All the guides on wow-pro areFREE, there is no trick, they are just free and will remain free. Enjoy and pleasecontributeorLeave a tip! 70-80 WotLK Classic Leveling Guides Alliance Jame’s Alliance Leveling Guide – Borean Tundra (70-72) Jame’s...
Welcome to our rogue leveling guide for WoW Classic! When it comes to deception and mastering the shadows, there simply isn’t a better class than the rogue. Through the use of energy and combo points, rogues effectively string together attacks for a flu
Alliance Skinning (Leveling 1-180)This is the beginning section of this guide for the Alliance. Keep in mind you will have to revisit the skinning trainer in order to increase your max skill past 75 and again at 150 in order to make it to 180 in this section....
Be cautious when heading north, as the Alliance camp is at the northernmost point of the Stonetalon Mountains Levels 20 – 30 Although brand new zones become available at this point, your best bet might still be The Barrens since it’s safe and loaded with quests. The Barrens (Horde Territo...
Classic Hardcore Open Classic Era Open Most popular guides Speedrun Both Faction Leveling Guide 1-60 – Season of Discovery & Classic Era $35.00 Add to cart Speedrun Alliance Leveling Guide 1-60 – Season of Discovery & Classic Era $25.00 ...
I realize most of these areas may be easier to get to as Alliance but they are my recommended areas that I’ve tested. Horde has the option of running from Arathi to Wetlands and taking the blimp to Grom’Gul and running into Duskwood to get to these two spots below, if not, I’ve...
With that in mind, leveling shouldn’t take that long in the Season of Discovery, and if you’re a seasonedWoW Classicpro, you can probably get to the maximum level in SoD’s first phase in one or two gameplay sessions. For both Alliance and Horde players, the first 10 levels of the...
What talents, gear, and spells should you use to get it done efficiently? Don’t worry, we’ll cover everything you need to know in this warlock leveling guide forWotLK Classic. Races available for warlocks for Alliance and Horde.(Images: Blizzard via HGG / Sarah Arnold) ...