We additionally computed a group-level statistical map to perform inference across infants. Average contrast maps for each infant were registered to the target functional space of infant 1, data set 3, and voxelwiset-tests were performed across infants, comparing contrast values to zero, thresholded...
As sea levels are rising, the number of chronic flooding events at high tide is increasing across the world coastlines. Yet, many events reported so far either lack observational evidence of flooding, or relate to coastal areas where ground subsidence or
At extraction time, we reveal these booleans to be false, allowing the F∗ normalizer to drop the then branch, and replace the log field with unit, meaning that both the high-level, list-manipulating code and corresponding type definitions are erased, leaving only low-level code from the ...
Likewise, upstream of a merge, the number of incidences tends from zero to Q'. In almost all cases in our data, the point where the last (resp. first) incidence occurs is a GPS data error. Two fractions of Q and Q', let us call them fQ and fQ' respectively, are the closest ...
2019c). Zero, one or two inflections appeared in the fitting curves of all of the sampling sites to separate the unpolluted and polluted samples. If the cumulative frequency curve approximated a straight line and no inflection point existed, the baseline value is calculated from the average ...
DNA extraction was performed using DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (Qiagen) according to manufacturer’s instructions (protocol for Gram-negative bacteria). Genomic DNA was quantified using a Qubit dsDNA HS Assay Kit (Invitrogen/ThermoFisher Scientific) and subjected to random shotgun library preparati...
It appears as the values of upper section (138–3000) are stable around the maximum, while the values of lower section (0–137) are stable around the zero. To further overcome the interference of noise, the Multi-points Continuity Criterion is used for water line locating. That is, search...
The CNV extraction tool Genome STRucture in Population (Genome STRiP) was used to retrieve deletion calls of CNVs at the population level [41]. Each CNV was genotyped, and the genotype quality was estimated based on the measurement of genotype likelihoods. To ensure that only highly plausible ...
For centuries, national economies have been engaging in international trade and production. The resulting international supply networks not only increase wealth for countries, but also allow for economic shocks to propagate across borders. Using global,
H. Ultrasensitivity part I: Michaelian responses and zero-order ultrasensitivity. Trends Biochem. Sci 39, 496–503 (2014). Article CAS Google Scholar Goldbeter, A. & Koshland, D. E. An amplified sensitivity arising from covalent modification in biological systems. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA...