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Beach, West PalmDonoghue, ReplyHouston, DiscussionHouston, J. R. and Dean, R. G. (2011). Sea-level acceleration based on U.S. tide gauges and extensions of previous global-gauge analyses. Journal of Coastal Research 27 409- 417.Houston, J. R., and R. G. Dean (2011), Sea-level ...
Funded by a FL state grant, this app was developed by a team of experts at Virtual Planet and FAU, who leveraged their expertise in computer science, engineering, art, and psychology to create a truly unique and engaging experience. In collaboration with the City of West Palm Beach, the te...
Discharges of storm water to water bodies may portend poorly to vital seagrasses and reefs, so some effort will be required to determine the level of treatment needed to protect the ecosystem in the face of excessive water levels. Drainage wells could be an essential component to improving ...